
Top computer related important full forms


हेलो दोस्तों यहाँ आप 235 फुल फॉर्म जानेंगे आप इसे शेयर भी करें। 

  1.   3D: Three Dimension 
  2.   4GL: Fourth Generation Language 
  3.   ABC: Attansoff Berry Computer 
  4.   ADSL: Asynchronous Digital Subscriber Line 
  5.   AI: Artificial Intelligence 
  6.   ALGOL: Algorithmic Oriented Language 
  7.   ALR: Advanced Logic Research 
  8.   ALU: Arithmetic and Logical Unit 
  9.   AM: Amplitude Modulation 
  10.   ANSI: American National Standard Institute 
  11.   ARCNet: Attached Resource Computer Network 
  12.   ARPANet: American Advanced Research Project Agency 
  13.   ASCII: American Standard Code for Information Interchange 
  14.   AT & T: American Telephone and Telegraph System 
  15.   AT: Advanced Technology 
  16.   ATM: Automated Teller machine 
  17.   B2B: Business to Business 
  18.   BASIC: Beginner’s All Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code 
  19.   BCD: Binary Coded Decimal 
  20.   BCPL: Beginners Cambridge Programming Language 
  21.   BCR: Bar Code Reader 
  22.   BIOS: Basic Input Output System 
  23.   Bits:Binary Digits 
  24.   BMP: Bitmap 
  25.   BNC: British Naval Connector 
  26.   BOF:Beginning of File 
  27.   BPI: Bytes Per Inch 
  28.   BPS: Bit Per Sector 
  29.   CAD: Computer Aided Designing 

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  1.   CAI: Computer Aided Instruction 
  2.   CAL: Computer Aided/Assisted Learning 
  3.   CAM: Computer Aided/Assisted Manufacturing 
  4.   CAN: Computer Association of Nepal 
  5.   CAT: Computer Aided/Assisted Training 
  6.   CAVE: Cave Automatic Virtual Environment 
  7.   CBE: Computer Based Education 
  8.   CBT: Computer Based Training 
  9.   CC: Computer Consultancy 
  10.   CD-ROM: Compact Disk Read Only Memory 
  11.   CESIL: Computer Education in School Instruction Language 
  12.   CGA: Color Display Adaptor 
  13.   CIS: Computer Information System 
  14.   CISC: Complex Instruction Set Computer 
  15.   CMOS: Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor 
  16.   COBOL: Common Business Oriented Language 
  17.   CODASYL: Conference Of Data Systems Language 
  18.   COM: Computer Output to Microfilm 
  19.   CP/M: Control Program For Microprocessor 
  20.   CPAV: Central Point Anti Virus 
  21.   CPS: Character Per Second 
  22.   CPU: Central Processing Unit 
  23.   CRT: Cathode Ray Tube 
  24.   CSMA/CD: Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection 
  25.   CSU/DSU: Channel Service Unit / Digital Service Unit 
  26.   CUI: Character User Interface 
  27.   DBMS: Database Management System 
  28.   DCU: Device Control Unit 
  29.   DDE: Dynamic Data Exchange 
  30.   DIMM: Dual In Line Memory Module 
  31.   DIX: Digital Intel and Xerox 
  32.   DNA: Digital Network Architecture 
  33.   DNS: Domain Name System/ Server 
  34.   DRAM: Dynamic Random Access Memory 
  35.   DRPA: Defense Advanced Research Project Agency 
  36.   DSDD: Double Sided Double Density 
  37.   DSHD: Double Sided High Density 
  38.   DSI: Data System International 
  39.   DSSD: Double Sided Single Density 
  40.   DVD: Digital Versatile Disk 
  41.   EBCDIC: Extended Binary Coded Decimal information Interchange. 
  42.   EDO-RAM: Extended Data Out Random Access Memory 
  43.   EDS: Electronic Data Storage / Exchangeable Disk System 
  44.   EDSAC: Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Computer 
  45.   EDVAC: Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer 
  46.   EEPROM: Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory 
  47.   EGA: Enhanced Graphic Adaptor 
  48.   eGMP: Electronic Government Master Plan 
  49.   EICA: Engine Indicator and Crew Alert System. 
  50.   EISA: Extended Industry Standard Architecture 
  51.   E-mail: Electronic mail 
  52.   EMI: Electro Magnetic Interference 
  53.   EMS: Expanded Memory 
  54.   ENIAC: Electronic Numerical Integrator And Calculator 
  55.   EOF: End of File 
  56.   EPROM: Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory 
  57.   FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions 
  58.   FAT: File Allocation Table 
  59.   FAX: Facsimile 
  60.   FDD: Floppy Disk Drive 
  61.   FDDI: Fiber Distributed Data Interface 
  62.   FDS: Fixed Disk System 
  63.   FM: Frequency Modulation 
  64.   FMC: Flight Management Comptuer 
  65.   FORTRAN: FORmula TRANslation 
  66.   FPM RAM: Fast Data Page Random Access Memory 
  67.   FTP: File Transfer Protocol 
  68.   G2C: Government to Citizens 
  69.   G2G: Government to Government 
  70.   GaAs: Gallium Arsenide 
  71.   GB: Giga Bytes 
  72.   GIF: Graphics Interchange Format 
  73.   GIGO: Garbage in Garbage Out 
  74.   GIS: Geographical Information System 
  75.   GPL: General Public License 
  76.   GUI: Graphical User Interface 
  77.   HDD: Hard Disk Drive 
  78.   HLCIT: High Level Commission for Information & Technology 
  79.   HMD: Head Mounted Display 
  80.   HTML: Hypertext Markup Language 
  81.   HTTP: Hyper Text Transfer Protocol 
  82.   I/O: Input Output 
  83.   IBM: International Business Machine 
  84.   IC: Integrated Circuit 
  85.   ICL: International Computers Limited 
  86.   ICT: Information and Communication Technology. 
  87.   IMS: Information Management System 
  88.   IPX: Internetwork Packet eXchange. 
  89.   IRC: Internet Relay Chat 
  90.   IRTB: Industrial Real Time Basic 
  91.   IRTB: Industry Real Time Basic 
  92.   ISA: Industry Standard Architecture 
  93.   ISP: Internet Service Provider 
  94.   IT: Information Technology 
  95.   ITPDC: Information Technology Park Development 
  96.   ITPF: IT Professional Forum 
  97.   JPEG: Joint Photographic Expert Group 
  98.   KB: Kilo Bytes 
  99.   Kbps: Kilobits per second 
  100.   KIPA: Korean IT Industry Promotion Agency 
  101.   LAN: Local Area Network 
  102.   LCD: Liquid Crystal Display 
  103.   LED: Light Emitting Diode 
  104.   LISP: List Processing 
  105.   LSI: Large Scale Integrator 
  106.   MAN: Metropolitan Area Network 
  107.   MB: Mega Bytes 
  108.   MBPS: Million Bit Per Second 
  109.   MBR: Master Boot Record 
  110.   MCGA: Monochrome Display Adaptor 
  111.   MD2D: Mini Disk Double Sided Double Density 
  112.   MD2HD: Mini Disk Double Sided High Density 
  113.   MD2HD: Mini Disk Double Sided High Density 
  114.   MDA: Monochrome Display Adaptor 
  115.   MF2D: Micro Floppy Double Sided Double Density 
  116.   MICR: Magnetic Ink Character Reader 
  117.   MIDI: Musical Instrument Digital Interface 
  118.   MILNET: Military Network 
  119.   MIPS: Millionth of Instruction Per Second 
  120.   MIS: Management Information System 
  121.   MODEM: MODulator and DEModulator 
  122.   MOEST: Ministry of Environment Science and Technology 
  123.   MOS: Metal Oxide Semiconductor 
  124.   MPEG: Motion Picture Expert Group 
  125.   MSAU: Multi Station Access Unit 
  126.   MS-DOS: Microsoft Disk Operating System 
  127.   MSI: Medium Scale Integration 
  128.   NAV: Norton Anti Virus 
  129.   NCC: National Computer Centre 
  130.   NDD: Norton Disk Doctor 
  131.   NEC: Nippon Electronics Company 
  132.   NFS: Network File System 
  133.   NITC: National Information Technology Centre 
  134.   NITCC: National Information Technology Co-ordination Committee 
  135.   NITDC: National Information Technology Development Committee 
  136.   NPC: National Planning Commission 
  137.   NT: New Technology 
  138.   NTFS: New Technology File System 
  139.   OAS: Office Automation System 
  140.   OCP: Order Code Processor 
  141.   OCR: Optical Character Reader 
  142.   OLE: Object Linking and Embedding 
  143.   OMR: Optical Mark Reader (Recognition) 
  144.   OS: Operating System 
  145.   PC: Personal Computer 
  146.   PCB: Printed Circuit Board 
  147.   PCI: Peripheral Component Interconnect 
  148.   PDF: portable Document Format 
  149.   Pixel: Picture Element 
  150.   PL/1: Programming Language -1 
  151.   PM: Phase Modulation 
  152.   PNG: Portable Network Graphics 
  153.   POP: Post Office Protocol 
  154.   POS: Point of Sales 
  155.   POST: Power On Self Test 
  156.   PROGLOG: Programming Logic 
  157.   PROM: Programmable Read Only Memory 
  158.   PS/2: Personal System-2 
  159.   PSROM: Pseudo Random Access Memory 
  160.   PSTN: Public Switched Telephone Network 
  161.   QBE: Query By Example 
  162.   QEL: Query Language 
  163.   RAM: Random Access Memory 
  164.   RDBMS: Relational Database Management System. 
  165.   RISC: Reduced Instruction Set Computer 
  166.   RMM: Read Mostly Memory 
  167.   ROM: Read Only Memory 
  168.   RONAST: Royal Nepal Academy Of Science and Technology 
  169.   RPG: Report Program Generator 
  170.   RPM: Rotation Per Minute / Revolution Per Minute 
  171.   SCP: System Control Processor 
  172.   SCSI: Small Computer System Interface 
  173.   SDRAM: Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory 
  174.   SIMM: Single In Line Memory Module 
  175.   SMPS: Switch Mode Power Supply 
  176.   SMTP: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol 
  177.   SNOBOL: StriNg Oriented symBOlic Language 
  178.   SPX: Sequenced Packet eXchange. 
  179.   SQL: Structured Query Language 
  180.   SRAM: Static Random Access Memory 
  181.   SSSD: Single Sided Single Density 
  182.   STP: Shielded Twisted Pair 
  183.   SVGA: Super Video Graphics Array 
  184.   TB: Terra Bytes 
  185.   TCP/IP: Transmission Control Protocol/ Internet Protocol 
  186.   TPS: Transaction Processing System 
  187.   UNIVAC: Universal Automatic Computer 
  188.   UPS: Uninterruptible Power Supply 
  189.   URL: Uniform Resource Locator 
  190.   USB: Universal Serial Bus 
  191.   UTP: Unshielded Twisted Pair 
  192.   VDT: Video Display Terminal 
  193.   VDU: Visual Display Unit 
  194.   VGA: Video Display Array 
  195.   VLSI: Very Large Scale Integration 
  196.   VoIP: Voice Over Internet Protocol 
  197.   VR: Virtual Reality 
  198.   VRML: Virtual Reality Modeling Language 
  199.   VSAT: Very Small Aperture Terminal 
  200.   W3C: World Wide Web Consortium 
  201.   WAIS: Wide Area Information Server 
  202.   WAN: Wide Area Network 
  203.   WORM: Write Once Read Only Memory 
  204.   WWW: World Wide Web 
  205.   XMS: eXtended Memory 
  206.   XT: eXtra Technology 

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